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An Eye Doctor Can Treat Most Common Issues

A good eye doctor should be able to treat most common issues. But you may need to visit a specialist, such as an ophthalmologist or optometrist, if a change in your vision suggests a serious health problem.

Schedule an eye exam, which usually involves putting in drops that dilate your eyes and reading from charts of random letters. You should get one every year. For more information, click the link provided to proceed.

An eye exam is a vital part of safeguarding your vision and keeping your body healthy. A comprehensive eye exam provides an in-depth look at every aspect of your eyes, from the external structures to the back of the retina. Without a proper exam, eye conditions and diseases may go unnoticed until they become severe enough to cause symptoms or impact your vision. Yearly exams can detect these issues before they manifest as vision problems and allow your doctor to prescribe corrective lenses or treatment.

A typical eye exam starts with a patient history to determine any medical or health conditions that could affect your eyes or vision. The doctor will also check to see whether you have a family history of myopia (nearsightedness), astigmatism, glaucoma or other health or eye issues.

You will then perform a series of tests to measure your visual acuity, which evaluates how well you can see at different distances. This includes reading letters on an eye chart, often with one eye covered to see if your other eye can compensate for its lack of focus. Some eye doctors may also test your ability to track moving targets or use one eye while the other is covered, as this can indicate a condition called strabismus.

Your doctor will then examine your eyes with a tool called a slit lamp, which illuminates and magnifies the front of your eye. The doctor will check the cornea, the clear curved front surface of your eye, as well as the iris and the pupil. They will also inspect the lens behind your pupil, which focuses light into your eye, to see if there are any scars, scratches or cloudiness in this area, which can cause cataracts.

Another important eye test measures the pressure inside your eye, which can be a sign of glaucoma. The doctor will shine a bright beam of light into your pupil, which should react by narrowing. They will also note the position of your pupils, and the whites of your eyes.

Your doctor will likely recommend further testing, such as an imaging test that allows them to see the structure of your retina, optic nerve and blood vessels. During this test, you will sit in an exam chair with your head resting on a chin support while the machine, which is typically computerized, takes a series of pictures and video clips of your eye.

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are medical devices that require a prescription and may be expensive. Your eye care professional (ECP) will evaluate your eyes and lifestyle to help you decide whether they are right for you. If you choose to wear contacts, your prescription will include the type of lens, wearing schedule, and instructions for proper care and cleaning.

Soft contact lenses are made of gel-like, water-containing plastics that allow oxygen to pass through them to the cornea. They are available in a variety of thicknesses and diameters to fit the shape of your eye. Rigid gas permeable (GP) contacts are also available, but these are less common because they are more difficult to insert and remove, and they do not offer the same level of oxygen passage that soft lenses do.

Both types of lenses come in many different colors and patterns, so you can express your individuality through the look you wear. You can choose daily, monthly, or two-weekly disposable lenses; extended wear lenses that can be worn overnight; and specialty lenses to correct a particular eye condition.

A contact lens can be uncomfortable for a short time when it is first placed on the eye. This is caused by a temporary difference in pH and salt concentration between the tear fluid and the surface of the lens. This discomfort will disappear quickly as the tears rebalance the pH and salt. If you experience persistent discomfort, it could indicate that the lens is dirty, damaged, or inverted. Using a fresh lens, inspecting it for damage and inversion, and reinserting it may solve the problem.

If you are nearsighted, contact lenses can divert light rays to focus in front of the retina rather than on it, allowing you to see closer objects clearly. For those with presbyopia, a condition that causes difficulty focusing on both near and distant objects, a multifocal or toric contact lens can help you see clearly at all distances.

Although it is very rare, contact lens-related infections can be serious and lead to vision loss. Your eye doctor can provide you with medicated contact solutions to prevent infection, and instruct you in proper washing and storage procedures. It is important to follow the directions exactly, and avoid using saliva or other substances to moisten a contact lens. Additionally, don’t purchase contact lenses without a valid prescription from flea markets, beauty supply stores, or the internet. Contact lenses from these sources may be counterfeit, contain contaminants, or have a lower quality than prescribed lenses.


Eyeglasses are designed to bring an image into focus on the retina. They can correct common vision problems such as blurriness, squinting, and difficulty focusing for close-up work. Eyeglasses can also help reduce headaches and eyestrain caused by squinting or staring at computer screens for long periods of time.

Eyeglasses have come a long way since the 13th century in Italy, when they were first invented. Today, there is a wide variety of frames and lenses to choose from, many of which are fashionable and modern. Your ophthalmologist or optometrist can point you in the direction of glasses that best fit your needs.

Your prescription is what determines what type of lens you need. You may need a single-vision lens that only treats nearsightedness or farsightedness, or you may need bifocals or progressive lenses that provide multiple fields of vision. Some of the lenses that are available include:

Frames, or spectacle frames, are made of a plastic called acetate or metal that surrounds the lenses and holds them in place. They are available in a wide array of styles, colors, and shapes to suit the personality and appearance of the wearer. Some frames are more subtle in appearance while others are loud and proud in their design. Many eyeglasses also have features such as a blue light filter, polarization, and anti-reflective coating to further enhance the performance of the lenses.

When selecting a pair of eyeglasses, consider how often you’ll be wearing them and the environment in which they will be worn. For instance, you should not purchase a pair of expensive designer frames if they are only to be used for special occasions. Similarly, you should not buy a cheap pair of frames that are prone to breaking and scratching easily.

You should always keep your eyeglasses somewhere safe and accessible. It’s a good idea to store them in a case or pouch, and to avoid placing them on your bed, desk, dashboard, or shower shelf. These places can stretch out the earpieces and cause them to fit poorly, or they could fall and be damaged. Placing them on your shirt or scarf can cause the fabric to rub against the lenses and scratch them. You should also clean your lenses regularly. If you’re unsure of how to clean your glasses, ask your optician for advice.

Eye Surgery

The type of eye surgery you have depends on the condition causing your vision problems. Most eye surgeries are performed to treat a sight-threatening condition, such as trauma, glaucoma, or crooked eyes (strabismus). Your eye doctor will tell you more about the types of surgery available and which ones might be suitable for you.

Refractive eye surgery, like LASIK, reshapes the cornea to improve your vision. After your eye doctor numbs your eye, they will create a paper-thin flap on the front of your cornea and move it aside so they can use a laser to change the shape of your cornea. They then fold the flap back into place. This procedure only takes 2 to 3 minutes per eye.

Another type of refractive surgery, PRK, uses a similar procedure but with different laser technology to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness and astigmatism. Your results from this surgery are less predictable than LASIK because your results depend on how much you’re corrected for, how big your cornea is, and other factors.

Some surgical procedures — usually involving traditional incisions — may be needed to treat serious conditions, such as a detached retina or eye tumors. Your eye surgeon will perform these types of surgeries under general anesthesia. For other operations, your eye doctor will administer sedation and a local anesthesia, which will prevent you from feeling pain.

Cataract surgery involves replacing the natural lens of your eye, a process known as cataract removal or a cataract operation. The procedure can be done through either traditional incisions or a laser procedure.

Retinal surgery is used to treat various conditions, such as a detached retina or a vitreous hemorrhage caused by diabetic retinopathy. During the surgery, your eye doctor will replace the clear fluid in your retinal cavity with another liquid, such as silicone oil or saline.

Other types of eye surgeries include a blepharoplasty, which repairs droopy eyelids that can cause your face to look aged or irritated and impair your vision. During this surgery, your eye doctor will remove excess skin or fat and may also repair the muscle that opens your eyes.